Who we are
CoinMaximus (the “site”) provides General Information regarding trading and investing with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies.
What personal data is collected
We do not collected any personal data when you are using the site. You are not required to submit any personal information, you are not required to subscribe, you are not required to Leave Comments.
You can freely use the site anonymously, unless you intentionally Leave Comment, contact us via the Contact Form or through any other means.
If you leave Comments on the site, your data may be shown in the comments form. Your IP address may also potentially be revealed.
Contact forms
In using the site’s Contact form, the information that you provide will not be disclosed or shared unless your approval has been given.
The site does not collect any cookies. If you choose to use the site, your actions are not traced or followed. The site does not monitor your actions, however, should you click on a link that leads you to a third party site, CoinMaximus Privacy Policy is no longer applicable.